Explanation by Takahiro cover

Review: Explanation by Takahiro

Takahiro’s release Explanation is a little long in the tooth now. It’s also not presented in English. Either/both will put many people off, but is it worth checking out? Frankly, if you’re a fan of visual, impossibly clean coin magic, this might be right up your alley. The clear cards are the game-changer here, turning a standard matrix effect into a jaw-dropping display of visible impossibility.

So what is it?
The first routine is a pretty standard coin matrix with normal playing cards. The second is a slightly more advanced matrix. It has one slightly awkward move, but nothing a little practice won’t have you doing without too many issues. But the main point of interest here is that it can (and should) be done with the transparent cards. It doesn’t offer much over the first version (which ends cleaner) if you do it with normal cards rather than the clear ones, but why would you want to do that? The completely clear cards give the effect so much more. The last routine is the pièce de résistance and no doubt the reason why you’re interested in getting this. It moves the coins one by one to a group, then back out to the separate positions, all with the clear cards so nothing is hidden.

The Good:
When performed well, it really does look like real magic, with coins that were right there a second ago popping in and out of existence as they jump around the performance pad. It’s a relatively quick effect, possibly too quick for some, but with something like this, it’s probably best not to drag it out too much, so I’m still including that in the positives.

The Bad:
The performing surface is key for the method, so you will be limited on where you perform this. It shouldn’t be a major issue for people performing professionally with a pad, but it’s not something you’ll be able to do reliably on a hard wooden table down the pub to show your mates some ‘impromptu’ magic. The other issue is that not everything he says is translated into the English subtitles, which, although a little odd, isn’t really an issue as you can put it all together just by watching and thinking a little for a couple of things. The translation issue is minor compared to the needed surface issue.

Like several coin matrix effects, this needs a shell in addition to the other coins (not revealing anything, as this is openly stated in the ad copy), so having this or not will probably be the deciding factor in choosing between the kit and the download. Clear plastic ‘cards’ are also part of the kit, but these are easy enough to create yourself if you already have the required coins.

I do like it a lot. It doesn’t really fit with my performance style, but if it did, I’d not think twice about adding it to my repertoire. Just watch the trailer, if it’s a fit for you, snap it up. While the routine has some limitations, most notably the surface requirement, it’s a small tradeoff for such a visually stunning effect. It really does look that good in person.

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