Ok, there has been a lot of negativity from me in recent reviews, so here is something I like, and I like it a LOT I’ve always had a soft spot for the paddle move, it’s just such a handy thing to have in your arsenal. Eric brings some new ideas to the Hot Rod. My wife has recently got into silversmithing and I was thinking about getting a posh hot rod made up of sterling silver and (semi-)precious stones, after watching Color Stix if I do go ahead with it, the posh hot rod will be undergoing quite a redesign to utilise ideas in this video. There is also a really good idea of something to do at trade shows that I’ll totally be using when the covid-19 thing is over and I start getting booked for trade stuff again. Even if you don’t plan to use the routine, for the price asked for this it really is worth picking up anyway because sleeving, paddle move, hot rod, etc is all stuff we should all be familiar with and hopefully proficient at. Is there anything I don’t like about? Well, yes, just one thing, the word is colour NOT bloody color, it has a ‘U’ in it!!!